Why choose École Voyageur?
Because École Voyageur is more than a school, it is a dynamic living environment for Grade 7 to 12 students!
École Voyageur at the secondary level, what does it mean?
It means that your child will get the opportunity to explore new passions, to gain a better knowledge of his or her culture, to get involved in his or her community, to develop lifetime friendships and memories.

Dedicated and engaged.
Teachers actively participate in each student’s success. Our main advantage is that our teachers are always close by and available to make sure students succeed. It is always a win-win situation.

A winning choice
A francophone school will put you ahead of the others! Your child will have the opportunity to be bilingual at the highest possible level. No matter the program, students all learn English at the same level and no matter if a student graduates from a francophone school, an immersion school or an English speaking school, in the end, they will have the same abilities in English.

Each student has access to a Macbook Pro laptop from Grade 1 to 12. Most classrooms are equipped with smart boards. This technological support allows our students to learn more independently and to be more engaged. We also have an open WiFi network so that each student always gets the necessary tools to succeed at school.
- Back-to-school celebration
- Corn roast
- Canadian Christmas
- Living Nativity, a Christmas celebration
- Christmas concert
- Maple sugar carnaval
- Thanksgiving celebration
- Pumpkins carving
- Remembrance Day
- Cake auction – Valentine’s Day
- Fat Tuesday
- Ash Wednesday
- Franco-Albertan flag raising ceremony
- L’Unithéâtre – A play in French
- Reconciliation celebration
- Easter celebration
- End-of-school-year celebration
- Circus at school
- Movie Day – Movies in French
- BBSV (gathering from all the secondary students from all the School Board’s schools)
- Raje (FJA)
- Choir (CDM)
- Band (CDM)
- Youth Parliament (Leadership Development Program)
- Junior volleyball
- Junior basketball
- Junior badminton
- Gathering of École du Sommet’s sports teams
- Jeux Francophones de l’Alberta
- Track and Field
- Downhill skiing
- Learning strategies (flex time) – (Secondary level redesign)
- Techno-sport
- Outdoors sports
- Training bases
- Energy regime
- Cooking
- Woodworking
- Construction tools and materials
- Construction and visual composition
- Audio/Video
- Product management
- Security systems
- Banners project – Our secondary students take part in this art project that is community orientated. This project is organized by “Champions For Change” and aims to enhance St. Paul’s main street. We try to represent our school and our French heritage in our community.
Learning junction – “CHALET” at École du Sommet
At École du Sommet, we adopted the concept of a learning “crossroads” to replace the idea of a “traditional” library as a physical space containing books. We now have a space that is inclusive, flexible, student-centered and that is designed to promote collaboration, inquiries, imagination and play so as to reinforce learning. This space, that we have named “CHALET”, is a welcoming environment to accommodate the different abilities and learning styles of our students, no matter if they work individually, as a team or as a group. This 21st century vision is based on innovation, flexibility and acceptance.