A great school at the heart of a great community!

4719, 69 Ave

Cold Lake, Alberta

8:40AM - 3:17PM

Monday to Friday

Welcome to Centre les Kinou-Choux

Early Learning and Child Care Programs



A unique home away from home
for the well-being of your child

Our preschool program is based on the Flight curriculum where the child is valued and is a powerful learner. The child is at the heart of our programming. It is based on the child’s interests and needs.

Learning through free play is an important part of the program as it allows the child to develop different learning dispositions. It also allows the child to blossom in all areas of his development.

Social skills and autonomy are aspects that the child will further develop in our daycare program. To support their development, the educators become co-researchers, co-learners and co-designers of opportunities.


We welcome you with open arms!


8:30 – 11:30 am

$52.25 per year


11:30 am – 3:30 pm

Part time : $189.25 per month

Full time : $273.50 per month

Occasional : $29.25 per day

Contact Us

MariePierre Lalonde

Child Care Services


Their well-being and development are important to us!
